Steak for a session

Steak for a session


Michael, I still smile whenever I hear that name. Michael Bell joined the trainers at David Lloyd later last summer and we hit it off straight away. He was so passionate about the world of fitness and nutrition and had a burning desire to help people and spread his knowledge with everyone. I loved hearing everything he had to say on the topic of health and once or twice did find myself slightly tempted by a steak and nuts in the morning for breakfast.

Training hard 

Seriously, I used to train with Michael a good 3/4 times a week. Michael's style was very different from Jamie's. Jamie had always supersetted two or three exercises with me and done fairly low/no weights, high reps . He had also loved his plyometric components and always finished a session with a resistance/cardio section. Michael on the other hand loved his circuits. We used to superset 4/5 heavy weighted exercises such as squats, dead lifts, walking lunges, farmer's walk and shoulder press. His goal was just to destroy every single muscle in your whole body so you couldn't walk for days. I remember one particular session where I honestly cannot tell you how I got through it. We started off with 3 sets of 15 reps of 70kg squats. Michael always had a thing about tempo- 4 seconds down, followed by a quick power up, a tactic used to totally destroy any hope of moving the next day. We then jumped in on the leg press - 20 reps of heavy pressing. 25 walking lunges with 12kg weights followed, taking us down to the leg extension where Michael used his strength to add resistance to me being able to extend my legs - another 40 reps there. 25 walking lunges with our favourite 12kg weights back up to the leg press, finishing with a wonderful drop set of another 20 reps. If that wasn't enough, we did the whole thing again! D E A T H.

My favourite thing to do with Michael was boxing. He had done Thai boxing and used to teach me various punches and kicks. It was always a good laugh as well as being good exercise. Time would just fly by training and I'd always be on the phone texting him about when we would train again. To say thanks, I used to buy him two steaks a week of a beautiful Aberdeen Angus fillet steak from the butcher, which he would of course have for breakfast.

How he Inspired Me

Michael really intilled a love for knowledge within the fitness industry in me. It was because of him I completed my Level 2 Gym qualification and used to research the pros and cons of GVT training and stupidly went for a few early morning hill sprints before breakfast.

Michael had a such a passion for fitness and he truly wanted to help others who were trying so hard to follow a healthy life. I am so grateful to have shared in his love and knowledge. Thanks and good Luck in whatever you are doing now Michael!

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